How to Write SEO Friendly Blogs

How to Write SEO Friendly Blogs

It takes skill to create optimized blog posts that are both user-friendly and search engine friendly. It can be time-consuming as well as difficult. To keep your readers interested, you need to be smart about selecting and writing topics. This is different from writing an article. You need to pay close attention to details and follow a set SEO rules.

SEO is more effective if the blog posts have great content. A poorly optimized blog post can rank lower in search results, while one with good content will be more likely to rank high.

We are trying to convey that improving your writing skills will help you improve your rankings.

These tips will help you create a SEO-friendly blog post.

Before you start writing, think.

You should take some time to consider what you want to write about in your blog post before you start typing.

We recommend that you read a variety of articles on SEO and Digital Marketing every day. Copy the title and URL of an article that interests you and save it in your notes.
Look through your notes at the beginning of each month to decide which topics you will cover. Each topic should be published on your content calendar.
Before you start writing the blog post, conduct a thorough analysis of the questions below to determine the answers.

What is the purpose of this blog post? To get higher rankings for a keyword, get more subscribers, promote my SEO Courses etc.

What will your new blog post do for your readers?

These questions will help you make the next step easier once you’ve answered them.

Design the structure of your blog post

Create a structure for your blog post before you start writing. Writing can be made easier by splitting a blog post into different sections.

Each post should contain:
A brief introduction to the topic.
A body (with the main message).

Conclusion (a summary of the most significant ideas)

You will then have a summary of the blog post. This will make it easier and faster. You don’t have to write large sections. Instead, you can write 200 words for a particular part of your blog post.

Choose the title for your blog post

While some bloggers prefer to start with this step and then build the blog structure, others prefer to create the title after you have an idea of the content of the post.
No matter what you choose, a great title should possess the following characteristics:

It should be between 55-60 characters in order to display it without breaks in the SERPS.

  • It should include your target keyword, but not keyword-stuffing.
  • It should include a description of the content to be included in the blog post.
  • It should be compelling enough to get users clicking on it when displayed in search engine result pages.

You might include additional information to make sure that search engines and users are clear about what the content contains. To make your title more clickable and interesting, you might include a step-by-step process or ‘How to’ instead of just a keyword.

Read More: Tumblr vs. Blogger for Monetization

Correctly use headings

Your blog post’s headings will organize the entire page. Use them correctly. These headings are essential for both SEO and readability. They aid Google to understand the key topics in your blog posts and help you rank.

By clarifying the structure of your blog posts, subheadings make it easier for people to navigate through your blog posts. Use your keywords in subheadings. However, not all of them. This will make your text seem unnatural.

Keep your paragraphs brief

Although everyone uses paragraphs, not all people use them well. You shouldn’t begin each sentence on a new line. Also, don’t use long paragraphs on one page. It is possible that most of your readers use a mobile device to access the content.
We recommend that you use small paragraphs (between 2 and 3 sentences) and to take advantage of the many formatting options, e.g. To make your text more interesting, you can use bold and italic.

You can add links but only when it makes sense

If it makes sense, you should add internal links to your blog posts whenever you create them. It is acceptable to use an existing blog post you can link to in your new post.

  • The benefits of internal linking are numerous and can be very efficient.
  • This gives search engines a great hint about what a page is all about.
  • This is a great way for users to have the option to click on a link to learn more about a topic.
  • This is one way to decrease bounce rates and keep your users on your site for a longer time.
  • This blog post has links to other blogs. Have a closer look at them!

Do not be afraid to include keywords in your anchor text.

Use keywords without keyword stuffing

Your target keywords and variations will not cause any problems in your blog posts. We actually recommend it. We do not recommend keyword stuffing. Also, don’t add keywords to the text just for the sake. Do it only when it makes sense to you.
This will help you to determine where keywords should be added.

  • Include the title of your post
  • Include the main headings for your post
  • Include the following in the content of your post
  • Add the end of the post

You can use the Google keyword tool, SEMRUSH, to search for your primary keyword if you have difficulty avoiding keyword stuffing. These tools will provide you with a list keywords that are closely related. These keywords should be included in your blog post.

Your blog post should not exceed 300 words. Although studies have shown that longer blogs posts rank better in search results, this does not mean that they will not rank well. It is possible for users to be scared away by too long or difficult-to-read articles.

It is important to focus on the quality of your content, not its quantity. If you’re a proficient writer, don’t try to write a lengthy blog post. A blog post with detailed information, images and references to studies is more likely to be linked than a shorter and less interesting post.

To find out the length of your blog post, you can open Google and search for your keywords. You should aim to publish a piece that is superior to previous blog posts. You shouldn’t expect immediate results as Google takes time to rank.

Read More: Importance of Blogs to Increase SEO

Optimize your meta description

Description tags are a summary of the blog posts that is not more than 200 characters. Google might show your meta description in search results. It is therefore important to optimize the length of your meta description. To encourage users to click on your link and visit your site, the description must be engaging and informative.

Before your post goes live, let other people review it

It is important that you let someone else review your blog post before publishing it. Ask them questions about the content and invite them into correcting any grammatical or typographical errors.

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